Friday, January 9, 2009

In the articles that we read the students had to meet certain requirements to finish their graduation projects. The way we do our projects are diffrent from our way because they only get a certain amount of time that they give them but we get at least two hours. I think that it was a class except for a requirement.

Even though they had a certain amount of time they went above and beyond. Some one who did their project on message therapy actually gave one of the judges a message and felt really good about what he was doing. Another who was doing his project on motercycles actually took an old bike and fixed it up and it looked like new again.

The particular article that I liked was the one about the boy who remade the bike. The reason why I like that one was because the process he had to go through to get that done. I think that he had to start his project well before because to fix a rusty bike and make it into a brand new bike is something that takes skills that either he had to learn or already know.

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