Monday, January 12, 2009

Does anyone know???

Sexual Preferences
A sexual preference is when someone likes to date/mate with someone of the same gender. Is there a problem with that? Some say yes and some say no, my answer is no because people who have different sexual preferences are really no different from us we are all human and just because they choose to live a different life style doesn’t mean we should treat them any differently than we treat anyone else. In the bible it says that people who have different sexual preference will go to hell! Is that true? If someone who has a different sexual preference but also goes to church, prays, believes in god, and takes him into their heart like the bible tells you to do will the go to hell? Or will they go to heaven?


  1. People that do have a different sexual preference are treated differently and it really shouldn’t happen, because how is it the other person’s business.
    Now I have never read the bible through and through, I have read certain passages. And, from what I got I don’t see how it could, or would say that because someone is gay they are going to hell. If I understand the bible correctly it is talking about Jesus Christ and how he was trying to spread the word of Dog, which was to love each other as youself. And to always do the better thing, and love one another. Then it goes on to talk about how he developed followers to help spread the word throughout the land. So if I understand the bible correctly, how could it say because this person had sex with or likes the same gender they are going to hell? And if you believe in a heaven, then I don’t see how you being gay can be the only action that you are going to be judged on while going through the “gates”.

  2. hey rollanda. I like you topic i think its good. And the bible states about sexual prefrences that if you accept god as syour savior your going to heaven even if you like the same sex but you wont get any"crown" dont ask me what thats means because i dont know..lolz
