Friday, January 23, 2009

My questions

My essential question is: How do people who have a different sexuality deal with the problems that go along with it?

1. Are there any organizations out there to help them?
2. Are there any websites or places on the internet that they can go to?
3. What happens if they don’t get the help they need?
4. Why does it matter if someone is different from you?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


My topic is: Sexual Preferences

My essential question is: Why is it such a big deal to be around someone who has a different sexual preferences?

Some of the websites i choose were some that talked about discrimination dealing with sexual orientation and others were teen talk websites.

10 websites







Thursday, January 15, 2009

A kids wish

I choose to post this quote because I thought it was interesting that someone would say that.

"“A student once asked me if I could have one wish granted to reverse an injustice, what would it be? I had to ask for two. One is for world leaders to forgive the debts of developing nations which hold them in such thrall. The other is for the world to end the persecution of people because of their sexual orientation, which is every bit as unjust as that crime against humanity, apartheid... Archbishop Desmond Tutu”"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Crazy Crazy Crazy

I was reading this article and it said that "Although federal laws protect people from workplace discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, sex, age, and disability, there is no federal law that specifically outlaws workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the private sector." I don't think that is fair at all because discrimination is discrimination and its illegal no matter what and the fact that they don't have a law for that is just down right crazy to me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Web

Today is January 13, 2009 and I was looking up to see if they had websites for people with diffrent sexual prefrences I didn't get as much luck as I wanted. I want to see if they have websites or chat rooms for people who have diffrent sexual prefrences.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Does anyone know???

Sexual Preferences
A sexual preference is when someone likes to date/mate with someone of the same gender. Is there a problem with that? Some say yes and some say no, my answer is no because people who have different sexual preferences are really no different from us we are all human and just because they choose to live a different life style doesn’t mean we should treat them any differently than we treat anyone else. In the bible it says that people who have different sexual preference will go to hell! Is that true? If someone who has a different sexual preference but also goes to church, prays, believes in god, and takes him into their heart like the bible tells you to do will the go to hell? Or will they go to heaven?

Friday, January 9, 2009

In the articles that we read the students had to meet certain requirements to finish their graduation projects. The way we do our projects are diffrent from our way because they only get a certain amount of time that they give them but we get at least two hours. I think that it was a class except for a requirement.

Even though they had a certain amount of time they went above and beyond. Some one who did their project on message therapy actually gave one of the judges a message and felt really good about what he was doing. Another who was doing his project on motercycles actually took an old bike and fixed it up and it looked like new again.

The particular article that I liked was the one about the boy who remade the bike. The reason why I like that one was because the process he had to go through to get that done. I think that he had to start his project well before because to fix a rusty bike and make it into a brand new bike is something that takes skills that either he had to learn or already know.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I heard that the gradution projects are very stressful because sometimes things do not go right the way you want it or cant get every thing you need or want. I know a 12th grader who did her graduation project already and she was so nervous becausee she is a shy person and for her to get up in front of people and present something was difficult for her.

Some of my interests are people who have a diffrent sexuality, not only for my personal reasons but for the people who have diffrent sexualities and go through the trials and tribulations. One of my concerns are that I wont have enough people who have a diffrent sexuality wont say much because they are scared of what people might say to them.