Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today I was trying to finish up my webliography, I found it very hard to get websites because most of them are blocked but the ones that I do have are good websites some of them answer my foundation questions and some of them give me new ones. As I keep going through finding information the more I am glad that I choose to do this particular topic because you don't know what people go through in their daily life's dealing with issues and problems with people who are absent minded and can't see past someones sexual preference.


  1. Rollanda:

    Are you looking up information on sexual preference discrimination in the United States, or around the world? I am currently doing research on the treatment of homosexuals in Russia and the Czech Republic for my internship. If you are including other countries for your project, let me know and I can give you a ton of websites to use.


  2. I have mentioned in class many times that if you are having trouble with Blocked sites to email the addresses of the sites to me.
